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Could you chair our board?

We’re looking for a volunteer to join our board of trustees as chair. You will be joining an enthusiastic, skilled group of people from a range of professional backgrounds. Our board members share a passion for building community, and we enjoy working collaboratively. Tayport Community Trust oversees the work, development and direction of the multi-award winning Larick Community Centre and associated projects. The role of chair routinely involves just a few hours a month, and we’re looking for someone with leadership/strategic experience on boards, whether voluntary or professional.
We are working to make Tayport a vibrant and sustainable community: a great place to live; a great place to visit. If you share our vision and can offer the skills and commitment we need, email to find out more.

Could you be our new treasurer?

We’re looking for a volunteer treasurer to join our board of trustees. You will be joining an enthusiastic, skilled group of people from a range of professional backgrounds. Our board members share a passion for building community and we enjoy working collaboratively. Tayport Community Trust oversees the work, development and direction of the multi-award winning Larick Community Centre and associated projects. The role of treasurer routinely involves just a few hours a month, and we’re looking for someone preferably with accountancy qualifications and the experience to help us manage finance effectively and prudently. Our retiring treasurer will be on hand when needed for advice and support as you find your feet.
We are working to make Tayport a vibrant and sustainable community: a great place to live; a great place to visit. If you share our vision and can offer the skills and commitment we need, email to find out more.

Tayport Community Trust was established in 2008 to develop and support projects and activities that contribute to a vibrant and sustainable local community

TCT is a Scottish Registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee with representation and involvement from many local organisations. Membership of TCT is open to all residents of Tayport.

Amongst TCT’s most notable achievements are:

  • Establishing and running the Harbour Café, a social enterprise community catering outlet.
  • Assisting in the development of a prize-winning Community Garden.
  • Driving the long-standing project to provide a multi-purpose Community Hub for the people of Tayport to a successful conclusion.

Since 2008, in pursuit of these achievements, TCT and its related organisations have raised over £3.7 million in pledges and donations from a wide variety of funders to whom we are very grateful.  However, far from resting on our laurels, we are not only working to sustain and develop these existing projects, but also to launch yet another social enterprise in the form of a campsite adjacent to the new Community Hub. Further details on all of these projects can be viewed via their respective links on the welcome page of our website.

TCT Board of Trustees

Name Position Date Appointed
Tim Brett Chair Co-opted Member – 12 January 2022
David Vallis Vice chair Elected Member – 3 December 2021
Joan Grant Treasurer Elected Member – 22 February 2018
Sally Walker Community Council Rep. – 18 August 2021
Richard Tough Elected Member – 27 November 2017
Jenny Glen Elected Member – 26 February 2021
Jenny Copland Elected Member – 3 December 2021

The Harbour Café, Larick Cafe and Larick Campsite are administered by Tayport Community Enterprises Ltd., a sub-group of Tayport Community Trust, which has its own separate Board of Directors

TCE Board of Directors

Name Position Date Appointed
Richard Tough October 2016
Grant Avery February 2020
Richard Holme June 2023